Douglas Hirsch
Rabbi Marc Philippe
Shir Lama’alot
Psalm 121
A song of the ascents. I will lift up my eyes to the mountains. From where else does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; He who watches will not slumber. Behold, He neither slumbers nor sleeps, the Guardian of Israel. The Lord is your shade upon your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your departure and your arrival from this time and for evermore.
Hakadosh Baruch Hu
Hakadosh Baruch Hu, or “The Holy One Blessed be He” is one of the many beautiful ways to refer to G-d in the Jewish tradition. The intention of this mantra is to align ourselves with the Divine and to bring down an abundance of blessings.
Olam Chesed Yibaneh
Psalm 89:3. “The foundation of the world is loving kindness”.
Niggun of the Birds
Oh Divine Presence.
I close my eyes
To see better.
Where does my salvation come from?
It comes from the inside.
They said to look up.
Look up to the mountains and the sky.
But we need to look inside.
Deep Deep.
Understanding will take shape.
Visions will emerge
Holiness will manifest
And you will walk a new path
The path that will lead you somewhere
Be sincere and good to yourself
And then look up to the mountains and sky.
You will get more inspiration.
Love will come to you
You will feel it
What you must achieve will reveal itself
Pursue the calling.
Open yourself.
Hashem Melech
“Hashem (G-d) rules, Hashem ruled, Hashem will rule forever”. The purpose of this mantra is to raise an awareness that the Divine is present at each moment of our life. Chanting this mantra with gratitude in our heart will bring endless beautiful reasons to be even more grateful every day!
Mi Sheberach
Healing song.
Mi Sheberach Avoteinu veimoteinu
Mi Sheberach Avoteinu veimoteinu
Yachad im kol cholei Amo Israel
Yachad im kol cholei Amo Israel
Mi Sheberach, Mi Sheberach, Mi Sheberach
Adon Olam (x2) Lord of the world
Adon Olam (x2) Source of all life
Our Well of strength, my Source of will, my Source of strength
My Neshama, my Breath of life is in Your hands
Open wide all my heart to Your blessings of love and light
And fill every part with Your boundless healing light
Mi Sheberach…
Shema Koleinu (x2) Shema Koli
May all Your love and your compassion come to me
Refua Shlemah, Refuat HaNefesh, Refuat HaGuf
Open Your hands and shelter me under your roof
Heal my body and my soul, bring Your Peace and make me whole
Veimru, Veimru, and I’ll say to You: Amen!
Mi Sheberach…
“Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me’Uman” is a kabbalistic formula based on the name of Reb Nachman of Breslov who is the founder of the Breslov Chassidic movement. Uman refers to his burial place in the Ukraine. A branch of Breslov Chassidim, known as “Na Nach”, believe this to be a powerful meditative tool to put us in harmony with the Creator.
Alter Rebbe’s Niggun
This melody was composed by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe. The niggun has four parts, each corresponding to the four spiritual worlds: Asiyah, Yetzirah, Beriah and Atzilut. This powerful melody elevates us to the next spiritual world and also connects us to the holiness of the Alter Rebbe, giving us blessings.
The Shema is the declaration of faith for the Jewish People, “Listen Israel, Hashem is our G-d, Hashem is One”. While reciting -or chanting- the Shema, it is important to meditate on the interconnectedness of humanity, the world and the Universe. By doing so, we remember that each one of our actions -positive or negative- has a repercussion in the Universe. We have the ability, the power to bring peace and harmony in this world!
Psalm 121
A song of the ascents. I will lift up my eyes to the mountains. From where else does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; He who watches will not slumber. Behold, He neither slumbers nor sleeps, the Guardian of Israel. The Lord is your shade upon your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your departure and your arrival from this time and for evermore.
Hakadosh Baruch Hu
Hakadosh Baruch Hu, or “The Holy One Blessed be He” is one of the many beautiful ways to refer to G-d in the Jewish tradition. The intention of this mantra is to align ourselves with the Divine and to bring down an abundance of blessings.
Olam Chesed Yibaneh
Psalm 89:3. “The foundation of the world is loving kindness”.
Niggun of the Birds
Oh Divine Presence.
I close my eyes
To see better.
Where does my salvation come from?
It comes from the inside.
They said to look up.
Look up to the mountains and the sky.
But we need to look inside.
Deep Deep.
Understanding will take shape.
Visions will emerge
Holiness will manifest
And you will walk a new path
The path that will lead you somewhere
Be sincere and good to yourself
And then look up to the mountains and sky.
You will get more inspiration.
Love will come to you
You will feel it
What you must achieve will reveal itself
Pursue the calling.
Open yourself.
Hashem Melech
“Hashem (G-d) rules, Hashem ruled, Hashem will rule forever”. The purpose of this mantra is to raise an awareness that the Divine is present at each moment of our life. Chanting this mantra with gratitude in our heart will bring endless beautiful reasons to be even more grateful every day!
Mi Sheberach
Healing song.
Mi Sheberach Avoteinu veimoteinu
Mi Sheberach Avoteinu veimoteinu
Yachad im kol cholei Amo Israel
Yachad im kol cholei Amo Israel
Mi Sheberach, Mi Sheberach, Mi Sheberach
Adon Olam (x2) Lord of the world
Adon Olam (x2) Source of all life
Our Well of strength, my Source of will, my Source of strength
My Neshama, my Breath of life is in Your hands
Open wide all my heart to Your blessings of love and light
And fill every part with Your boundless healing light
Mi Sheberach…
Shema Koleinu (x2) Shema Koli
May all Your love and your compassion come to me
Refua Shlemah, Refuat HaNefesh, Refuat HaGuf
Open Your hands and shelter me under your roof
Heal my body and my soul, bring Your Peace and make me whole
Veimru, Veimru, and I’ll say to You: Amen!
Mi Sheberach…
“Na Nach Nachma Nachman Me’Uman” is a kabbalistic formula based on the name of Reb Nachman of Breslov who is the founder of the Breslov Chassidic movement. Uman refers to his burial place in the Ukraine. A branch of Breslov Chassidim, known as “Na Nach”, believe this to be a powerful meditative tool to put us in harmony with the Creator.
Alter Rebbe’s Niggun
This melody was composed by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Chabad Lubavitch Rebbe. The niggun has four parts, each corresponding to the four spiritual worlds: Asiyah, Yetzirah, Beriah and Atzilut. This powerful melody elevates us to the next spiritual world and also connects us to the holiness of the Alter Rebbe, giving us blessings.
The Shema is the declaration of faith for the Jewish People, “Listen Israel, Hashem is our G-d, Hashem is One”. While reciting -or chanting- the Shema, it is important to meditate on the interconnectedness of humanity, the world and the Universe. By doing so, we remember that each one of our actions -positive or negative- has a repercussion in the Universe. We have the ability, the power to bring peace and harmony in this world!